Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Today was quite an impressive day spent the day with my adopted sister Daniella who isn't actually my adopted sister just a really long time friend and I have to say her really hot boyfriend Jowel three words I so would... but alas He's taken and and i'm not that way inclined lol I also met her mate TAT he's quite cool wasn't what I accepted I haven't seen her for a year because she was taken into care and with my mums being so ill and me taking time to look after her I haven't seen her so today has made me quite happy..... got a video and probs a few pics to upload<3 some might wonder what the title of this post is about but for those who want to know the reason is for it is I was kidding with TAT and and I told him that if I slept because he wants me to visit him and sleep over at his.. I said if there is no funny substances... but then he said if I wake up and my bottom is saw I don't want to know what happened and I said don't worry I will wipe the Vaseline off after....x

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